Friday, March 30, 2012

The Classy Mrs.Hives,an Oscar,and a Pro Athelte

The Classy Mrs.Hives--this woman,is the true definition of a friend. You can most certainly always count on her for a good laugh,manicure,CUPCAKES,and she's always willing to ride shot-gun on a trip to Starbucks at ANY given time! And not to mention,you should HoPe to be the same size as her because she has the BEST wardrobe! Our sense of humor seems to grow rather interesting and twisted via text messages on a daily basis! (Monday's and Friday's are the WORST! lol)

Unless you are living under a rock-you are completely aware that the lottery is now up to $540 MILLION dollars. When discussing my lottery winning tactics with Mrs.Hives this morning--being the true friend she is;she responded with this tid bit of information::

 "The chances of you winning the lottery are the same as the chances of you becoming a pro athlete AND winning and Oscar. Also, 9 out of 10 people that win the lottery file bankruptcy within 5 years. I learned that on the news today."

True friend,right? :-) Despite my lack of athletic ability and acting skills--the work crew and I DID go ahead and buy our tickets! Suppose Ill take Mrs.Hives out for lunch and a mani with my Oscar and football jersey once I manage to rake in my MILLIONS! Happy Friday ya'll!!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

First blog..oh boy!

Ahh..the pressure of the first blog! My dear friend Miss Mo, FINALLY talked me into jumping on the "blog" bandwagon. I have read blogs before and just love to see the different articles and ordinary stories of other people from day to day! So,why not! :)

I will start off by telling you a little about myself and maybe as the day progresses and I figure this whole blogging thing out more--I will post another!

My name is LH, Im a 23 y/o married mother to a beautiful little boy whom we will call The Monkey! It fits him oh so perfectly! I was blessed with a pretty amazing husband who is def.the "better half" of the two of us..99.9% of the time!

 My life is pretty simple..I work,go home to my family,and back to work again--so,why write a blog?? If anyone has ever lived with a 3 year old-you will find you have TONS of great stories to share with the world! My GOAL is to jot these memories down in an attempt to preserve some of The Monkey's childhood and to be able and look back at some of life's BEST moments...because sometimes its hard to see the rainbow through the rain.